Virtual Consults with SCD - FAQ

Did you know that we offer 1-hour Virtual Design Consults here at Sarah Catherine Design? Over the years I have heard from so many of you seeking design advice, insight, and ideas in a more a-la-carte format. It makes total sense! Not everyone is ready to hire an interior designer for a full blow project…. that may be due to budget, or your current timeline, or what you need help with is more miscellaneous than needing a whole space furnished and designed. We get it!

What is a Virtual Consult?

Those are just a few reasons why we started doing 1-hr Virtual Consults… so that we can offer our professional expertise in a consolidated way so that everyone wins! So what is a virtual consult?… well these are 1-hr calls conducted over Facetime (or video chat) so that you can “show” Sarah or an SCD Team Member your space and ask us any and every question that you might have pertaining to your home! During the hour you will have our undivided attention and we will thoroughly answer as many of your questions as we can during the allotted time - ask away!

We will weigh in with thoughts such as sizing, furniture arrangement, how to style your space, thoughts on paint colors, where to look for some of the items you may need in your space, etc. We will make sure to take notes during your call and you will receive a follow up email with any details pertaining to your specific project - such as specific measurements, design details or colors, or thoughts on sourcing, etc. Sounds pretty great right?

Sign up here

“Sarah is an extremely talented, patient and kind designer! Our virtual consults gave me so much peace of mind while helping me solidify the decisions I was on the fence for with complete confidence! She was very thorough during our virtual consults as she had reviewed all of my selections and questions prior to our call. She made such great use of the time we had! I never would have imagined we could accomplish as much as we did but it was possible due to her preparation! In addition to her prep, she emailed me with links and a review of our conversation after we finished. I cannot recommend Sarah enough as I will continue to work with her for years to come!”

- Elise Carr, Virtual Design Client

What a Virtual Consult is NOT…

One misconception about our virtual consults is that these sessions are similar to E-Design. While we do work with clients who are not local to Birmingham all the time - we do not offer e-design services and that is not what these calls are intended to be. Our team will not provide drawings, design presentations/mood boards, furniture “shopping lists” or place custom orders following a call - however, if you are interested in becoming a Full Service Design Client we would LOVE to hear from you and can chat about that further at the end of our call!

The goal of our virtual consult calls is to equip you with our professional design advise and give you some direction for your project so that you can take the reins from there and execute your design on your own! We have even had several Virtual Consult clients schedule multiple calls over the course of a large home project so that they can ask questions along the way!

What are the details? How Do I sign up?

Each 1-hr Virtual Design Consult can be booked either with Sarah directly or with a skilled SCD Team Member at a discounted rate. You can inquire about open time slots and get signed up on our website.

Sign Up Here


  • Each Virtual Design Consult is 1 hour long.

  • We recommend having a list of questions ready prior to the call and a tape measurer handy during it.

  • These consults are done via FaceTime so that you can "walk" us through your home and the rooms you want to focus on. Zoom is also available, but we have found that Facetime is sometimes easiest.

  • Feel free to email us any pertinent floor plans, photos, or drawings 1-2 business days prior to your scheduled call so that we can easily reference those during our session. Please email these documents to and include your name and scheduled call date/time in the subject line.

    Note: All bookings are final - however we allow rescheduling up to 48hrs prior to your scheduled call. We do not provide drawings, floor plans, design presentations, furniture sourcing or ordering services from these calls. However, if you are interested in moving forward with the Sarah Catherine Design team then we would be happy to talk to you further about becoming a Full Service Design client!


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